Technical documentation template

This template can be used either for your users or your team members.
Adapt it to your need, depending if you want to document for internal or external usage.

Product Name: New Product
Version: When applicable
Phase: When applicable

Product Overview Eyes

Provide a brief summary covering what your product/feature is, the context behind its development and release and what it does. Touch on what documentation is available in your template to help your reader familiarize themselves with it. 

Product Objectives Bullseye

What does your product do? How should it be used? How will your technical documentation help people use your product and achieve those goals?

Product Features Puzzle Piece

In actionable, easy to understand language, describe the different features or elements of your product and how to use them. Feel free to add code snippets, embed videos, files, images and checklists in these sections where applicable.

Feature/Element 1

Add your code snippets

Element 2


Element 3 


Drag and drop or

Element 4


FAQs Man Raising Hand

Answer and document frequently asked questions below.







Additional Resources Woman Technologist

If there are any additional resources available that might come in handy (for example, videos, tutorials, knowledge bases, forums) be sure to link them here for easy access when questions arise. 

Drag and drop or

Technical Support Contact Information Speech Balloon

If your readers have additional questions, want more information or just need to talk to a support agent, provide contact information or link them to online assistance here.

Make it your own
Once edited to your liking,  save this template to your team’s templates list  by clicking on the three dots on the right of the screen.