Performance Improvement Plan Template

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Private doc
This document can be made private for you and the employee involved in the performance improvement plan.
Name of the employee
Job title
employee's job title
employee's department
Name of the manager
Date of the initial meeting

Name(s) of other attendee(s)
attendee1 , attendee2
Plan start date

Plan end date

The employee will be monitored throughout the Performance Improvement Plan to make sure that improvement is being made. If the desired goals are not met, further action will be taken in accordance with relevant procedures.

Description of the underperformance

In this section describe the problem that needs to be addressed

Goal(s) of the Performance Improvement Plan

Use this section to determine what goals need to be met to improve the employee's performance.

Performance Improvement Plan

Improvement objectives
What must the individual do to improve their performance?
Success criteria
How will you know if the expected improvement objectives have been achieved?
Additional support required
What additional resources does the employee require to achieve the expected standards?
Review schedule
When will progress be reviewed? Who will take care of it?
Objective outcome
What action will be taken if improvement objectives are not achieved?
Improvement objective 1
Success criteria 1
List all additional support required for objective
 by name
Objective outcome 1
Improvement objective 2
Success criteria 2
List all additional support required for objective
 by name
Objective outcome 2
Improvement objective 3
Success criteria 3
List all additional support required for objective
 by name
Objective outcome 3
Improvement objective 4
Success criteria 4
List all additional support required for objective
 by name
Objective outcome 4

Overall outcome

Use this section to describe the overall consequences if improvement objectives are achieved / not achieved.