Release notes template

Find out about our latest changes.
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New feature 1

Give a description how what it solves, how to use it, to whom it's targeted and even a link to the landing page introducing the feature in detail

New feature 2

Give a description how what it solves, how to use it, to whom it's targeted and even a link to the landing page introducing the feature in detail

Drag and drop or

New feature 3

Give a description how what it solves, how to use it, to whom it's targeted and even a link to the landing page introducing the feature in detail

Improvements Flexed Biceps

Improvement based on customer feedback
Delightful experience enhancement

Bug fixes Bug

Announce resolved bugs including the platform, OS and devices concerned by the fix.
Bug fix
Bug fix

Coming up next 

Use this section to tease customers and prospects about your roadmap.

Make it your own
Once edited to your liking,  save this template to your team’s templates list  by clicking on the three dots on the right of the screen.