Product specs template

Designers and PMs use this template to document all the details and resources necessary for engineers. Start editing it according to your process and  save it as a template  by clicking on the three dots to the right of the screen.

Status: Early / In progress / In review / Ready
Author: @someone
Reviewer: @someone
Assigned engineer: @someone

Eyes Overview

Remind the problem you're trying to solve and the mission statement decided to solve it.
Problem and mission statement 

🎯 Goals

Explain what you're trying to achieve with this work.
List goal(s)

📈 Success KPIs

Define the KPIs you should act on and follow in order to reach this goal.
Data to increase/decrease

Goal Net Scope

Explain what the solution is, how it works and the extent of the work involved. Make sure to clarify the implications to consider, as well as the ones to deal with later, and those that are not part of the job at all.
Future requirements
Out of scope

Person Cartwheeling Flow

Sequence all the functional aspects of the feature and their edge cases.
Describe step by step with flowcharts, screenshots, videos...

Package Designs and assets

Link all the resources necessary to ensure a good implementation.
Figma project link, hi-fi mockups, SVGs and images, prototypes...

Speech Balloon Open questions

Are there still unanswered questions? Any blind spots remaining? Bring them up here!
E.g. is this part of the free plan? 

Gear Technical factoring

This is where engineers estimate the project. They define a plan for source code structure and make the technical choices adapted to the project. The feature should be divided into small incremental scopes and subtasks to ship independantly.

Fill code snippet