Software documentation template

This template can be used either for your users or your team members.
Adapt it to your need, depending if you want to document for internal or external usage.

Software Name: The Software
Version: When applicable

Software summary Eyes

Provide a brief summary about what your software is and what is does. Also, introduce any updates, new functions or bug fixes here.

Requirements Index Pointing Up

Outline additional details that might be required by users to proceeding with the software use.

How-to guide Hatching Chick

Provide step-by-step instructions to help users use your software for the first time.

Step 1


Step 2

Add your code snippets

Step 3 


Tutorials Clapper Board

Have any videos or knowledge bases to link if new users need additional guidance? Include them here.

Drag and drop or

FAQs Man Raising Hand

Answer and document frequently asked questions below.







Additional Resources Puzzle Piece

Include any additional information, forum or documentation that might be relevant to users here for easy access when questions arise.

Customer support Speech Balloon

If users need extra assistance or have any troubleshooting issues, provide contact information to your customer support or link them to online assistance or chat portals here.

Make it your own
Once edited to your liking,  save this template to your team’s templates list  by clicking on the three dots on the right of the screen.